I’M Imtiaz Rastgar, A BUSINESS cOACH & Export CONSULTANT
I’m serving on the Board of Directors of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex, National Centre for Physics, Pak-Austria Fachochschule University and several other seats of learning.
Graduated from the University of the Punjab and turned my passion for science, engineering and metallurgy into a business.
The company, Rastgar Engineering, which I founded in 1967 was exporting heavy axle parts to more than 70 countries by the time I retired from it. As a serial entrepreneur , I founded several other companies which are also running successfully within the engineering, manufacturing sphere.
Also served as CEO and VP of the Engineering Development Board of Pakistan 2004-2007. My services were acquired by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CBI, The Netherlands as an Engineering Sector Expert 2007-2017.
My Expertise
Morbi pulvinar malesuada odio. Fusce lectus eros, volutpat vitae lobortis sit amet, lobortis sed lectus.
Export Marketing
As an Export Marketing Coach, I help companies to identify target market and product to successful export.
Experience of setting up a high-tech manufacturing company from scratch that is now exporting to more than 70 countries
sales funnel
After getting your product ready, it's time to create and setup a sales funnel with each step thoroughly defined.
pricing strategies
Gearing up you product for Export requires a pricing strategy to be followed.
Special Trainings
Employee and employers both need certain type of training's for skill and for mindset.